Monday, June 13, 2016

Way too long.

I know it has been forever since my last book review and I promise I have a good excuse. First, my boyfriend and I just moved into our first apartment together on May 21st and I have been pretty busy with that. There was a lot of packing, unpacking, setting up and cleaning over the past few weeks. Also, I graduated from college May 18th and am getting ready to transfer for my BA in English beginning in August. In the meantime I am taking a summer course to get ahead and save myself quite a bit of money which started on May 23rd. Unfortunately I have a horrible professor who makes the class write 15 page papers due every other week. For the whole summer, we have a total of four, 15 page essays due. So as you can see I have not had any time to read anything other then the Anthology of Literature by Women.

 I am however finally working on my next book review that will be out shortly.  If I manage my time wisely then I will have my next book review out by next week, maybe by this weekend since my paper is due on Friday I don't have to worry about it over the weekend. Since my time is up on my domain for, I have to purchase it for another year. Keep checking back and I will post as soon as I can.

1 comment:

  1. Wow congratz on graduating and moving with your bf, sorry bout your teacher thou
