Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Update on Bride by Mistake

I finished the book a few days ago and I have to say I was kind of disappointed in the ending. Unfortunately it was cliche and fell short. The author created so much potential for a good, solid ending. I usually (i've noticed) write positive reviews on books but this time I have to say something negative. Although it was a cute story, I have to say the ending ruined it for me. It was too abrupt and seemed very rushed to me. I understand it was considered a "novella" but I have read countless novella's that did not have rushed endings.

Other than the weak ending it still was a fairly cute story and is worth the read if you don't want to get too invested in a story. I am currently looking for another story to review by next week although, I do have a 15 page paper due soon.

Stay tuned.

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