Friday, June 24, 2016


Chinchillas, if fed the correct diet and given accurate care , can live up to 10 years! I am sure everyone (I know I do) loves to give their pets treats and toys. I would like to inform those who are interested, what treats and food is acceptable for chinchillas to have.

Safe treats for chinchillas include, Goji Berries (not in large amounts), Rose hips (crushed or regular), Organic Barley Biscuits (Oxbow brand), shredded wheat, and my chinchillas personal favorite, Cheerios! Never give your fur baby raisins or any other gummy/wet treat. This can cause severe tooth issues and diabetes. Goji berries can be given in moderation and are a healthier alternative to a rasin. My chinchillas love Cheerios and they are safe as well as healthy for them. I know of some owners who have fed their chinnies popcorn, pretzels and chips, and I know they might enjoy it but this really is not good for them. A lot of the treats at the pet stores are unsafe and full of fat and sugar. I would suggest going with the Oxbow brand  treats or just ordering treats from chinchilla focused websites. I can put links at the bottom. Here are examples of treats that are acceptable for a chinchilla to have.
Goji Berries
Crushed rose hips

 As far as chinchilla food goes, it is important that they are fed a plain pellet food with minimal "treats" in it. This includes food with nuts, seeds or fruit. Two very good brands of chinchilla food includes Mazuri and Oxbow. They sell it in bulk online or you can buy Oxbow in stores. Remember, just because it has a picture of a chinchilla on it, does not be it is okay for a chinchilla. Below I am posting good food vs bad food so you can see the difference.
Bad food
Good food
 Chinchillas also need hay to eat on a daily basis, this includes Timothy Hay or Botanical Hay. Never feed your chinchilla Alfalfa Hay. Just an added fact, if your chinchilla is suffering from diarrhea, give them only hay for a few days. You can also give them burnt toast but it is very hard to get them to actually eat it. So remember, no treats with sugar or seeds and keep the food plain and simple!
Chinchilla City and Whimsy

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