Tuesday, June 28, 2016

To Kill a Mockingbird-Book Review 12

This book is such a timeless classic that I cannot help but to review it. So if you were hoping for a negative review this is not your day.

To kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee takes place in a fictional town of Maycomb, Alabama during the Great Depression. The story is seen through the eyes of Scout Finch who lives with her widowed father and her brother Jem. Scout is 6-years-old when the story begins and is 8-years-old by the end. There are a few other characters involved such as Dill, the children's friend and, Arthur "Boo" Radley. Arthur Radley lives in a creepy old house and he hasn't been out in years. Without going into too much detail about the actual plot, I will move on to my official review.

         Not only is the book well written,  the character of Scout is so well developed and she grows along with the story. Readers follower her as she learns important lessons about life and society. For example, after her father's client (a black man) gets accused of raping a white woman, he gets convicted despite the evidence saying he didn't do it. Since the jury was all whites, he knew he was not going to win but the father fought anyway because it was the right thing to do. After this, the children Jeb and Scout learn about the unfairness of society and how biased their community is. I think this scene is important for the characters development as well as the scene with Arthur Radley saving the children from the father of the rape victim. During this time, Scout and Jeb realize that "Boo" Radley isn't anything like they pictured, he is a good person. I love the character of Arthur Radley because he represents those who are different. Just like the mockingbird, Radley symbolizes innocence and not taking advantage of anyone who is weak or defenceless.
          This book is definitely timeless and I would highly recommend it to anyone despite what kind of books you enjoy. There is a second novel written by Harper Lee titled To Catch a Watchman, that I am not sure if I will read yet. But if you are looking for a classic to read this summer, I highly recommend To Kill a Mockingbird.


  1. Nice Detailed review! One of my favorite novels and I would love to see more people pick up this classic!
