Wednesday, September 7, 2016

All for one special book reviews-#17

So since I have been so busy with school and haven't had much time for my blogs or my novel, I wanted to do something special. For my next 2 book reviews, instead of doing them on long novels, I am going to highlight 2 short stories that I think are classic and deserve recognition. I will begin with one of my favorite authors.

Kate Chopin- Story of An Hour: This short flash fiction is about a woman who finds out her husband has died in an accident at work. The woman, Mrs. Mallard, begins to cry and goes off to her room and looks out the window. Suddenly she begins to feel happy and "free." I believe this story is trying to explain how women back in the 14th century felt trapped in marriage and the only way she could escape him is for him to die. I like this story because of all the different ways it can be interpreted. Is the wife cruel for feeling free or do you sympathize? There is a nice ironic twist at the end but I won't give it away.

Kurt Vonnegut-Harrison Bergeron: I love this story because it has the "dystopia" theme that I always enjoy. It is set in the year 2081 and overall this story is about a world in which believes that the world should all be equal. No one should have any advantages over someone else. For example, if you are a fast runner or are really beautiful, you had to wear an ugly mask and weights on your feet. The main character Harrison Bergeron is covered in a mask and a lot of heavy weights because he is attractive and athletic. He is seen as a criminal in the story because of how many "handicaps" he has. I wont give away the ending but it is definitely worth the read if you enjoy futuristic dystopia's.

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