Tuesday, August 30, 2016


So as you know school has begun and my workload is unbelievable so I will try my hardest to keep up with my blog. Apparently getting a BA is a lot harder then getting an Associates degree. Just to give you an idea, I have 6 assignments due in one day including two papers, 3 discussions and a quiz. The work is not necessarily "hard" but the amount is too much. 
          I am also trying to keep up with my novel and I am about 30 pages away from being done. I know it may seem like a lot but its actually only 5 chapters until I finish. I can only manage my time and not let myself get too overwhelmed with the workload. I will keep everyone updated and I will hopefully find another book/story/poem to review by next week. 
          I wish everyone else who has returned to school the best of luck in their studies!

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