Friday, September 16, 2016

Book review info and Lost Prince of Wadale

Since I know it has seemed like  awhile since my last review I thought I would mention something. I have 3 book reviews prepared and written as drafts and I have been waiting until Halloween to release them. But since it appears that I haven't been doing any I wanted to clear that up. Since it has been long I decided to do a review before I release the Halloween special ones just to satisfy everyone. Also, I am almost done with my novel Lost Prince of Waydale, and I am at the most interesting part know as the "climax." I am so proud of it so far and I can't wait for everyone to be able to read it. Since it has been so long I thought I would give you a small tidbit from LPW. Enjoy and I hope you have a good weekend.

Flint opened his mouth to speak but Collin interrupted him. "My name is Prince Collin James of Waydale, and we have come to speak to you about important property of ours that was stolen." The wiseman looked at Collin for the first time, and when he did, Collin felt his blood run cold for a moment. The mans eyes were cloudy and pale like a pearl that lost its shine. Collin shivered.

   "I don't think he can see us," Collin whispered only for Flint to hear. "I do not need to see with my eyes Prince Collin, I see with my soul" he replied. Collin swallowed hard and shifted uncomfortably. "Please sit down gentleman and I will tell you what you need to know," the Wiseman said. The two boys obeyed and sat on a gray and white pillow beside the fire pit. 

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