Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child- Book review #15

So as promised I will review the newest Harry Potter book by J.K Rowling. This book is definitely a must read for any Harry Potter fan. This book starts right where the seventh left off. Harry is older and married to Ginny Weasley, they have 3 children. This book basically revolves around his middle child Albus.
         I won't go into too much detail and spoil it but you get to learn some new things about your favorite characters and see what happens to them after the series ended. For example, Hermione is the minister of magic (at first), and Professor McGonagall is the headmistress of Hogwarts. So it's definitely interesting to see how time changed and the characters as well as those who grew up reading HP have aged.
        The plot is good but sort of similar to the original except it's new characters. Also, despite its decent length, the book is a fairly quick read, I could have finished mine in 1-2 days if I dedicated actual time to it. If you were a Harry Potter fan growing up I would definitely recommend this for you because it's like reading a new Harry Potter book and brings the feelings of your childhood back. I know I missed reading the books after the series ended so it's refreshing to have something new. The story has action, heart and a lot of lessons to learn. Pick this book up and read it if you have the chance, I suggest getting it for a Kindle of ebook if you can because the book is pricey.

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