Monday, August 8, 2016

Not really a poem

I have something that I wrote that I wanted to share. It's not really a poem per say but I am not sure what else to call it. A blurb? Anyway, I wrote this about someone who hurt me a lot and if it wasn't for them I might be a totally different person.

 You are like a tornado,
beautiful to look at
but dangerous if you get to close.
I should have known then,
not to get close to you.
Not to let myself get caught in you.
Only to be left behind
in your path of destruction.

There you go, I had to get it out there because I found it this morning and thought it was worth a read. On a side note, I am doing very well with my novel and will have my second pair of eyes look at it for editorial purposes. School is coming up so fast I am getting a mixture of nervousness and excitement now. I will do a book review soon, I have just been concentrating on my own work for once so I will get it out as soon as I finish it. 

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