Sunday, August 14, 2016

Back and ready for action

I have returned from my "vacation" and I am ready to dive back into my book and writing my blogs. I do have a book I want to review, (the new Harry Potter book) but I have also read another book too. Since the Harry Potter book is much longer, I am thinking I might review the other one first. I am only 5 chapters away from finishing my novel too! I have a busy day ahead of me tomorrow and I have to deal with issues going on with my school. I am also going to the movies with my sister so I might not have a lot of time to write.
          I will also try to write more poetry since my poems seemed to be quite popular before. I will try my best to get everything done because I also have also have to do some work to make money to pay the bills. I am excited for school to start and I am excited for my novel to come out. I hope everyone is also looking forward to it and waits patiently with me. 

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