Tuesday, July 5, 2016

My next book review

Since I have been working tirelessly on my new book Lost Prince of Waydale, I have not had much time for reading. However, I bought several books on Sunday from the secondhand store and will chose one of them to read and review. I have my eye on one in particular called Tunnels by Roderick Gordon. This book pretty interesting and I got it because it targets a similar age range to the book I am writing so I thought it could give me some ideas.
         My summer class will be over in about a month and a week so that means I will either be able to write a lot, or not at all. As you know I am starting school in August to obtain my BA in English. My school is Cedar Crest College and it is a private school. So I hope that goes well. I will be joining several clubs including the Commuters Awareness Board, the newspaper and the literary magazine. I am also excited to meet new friends!
         Overall I will be working on my new book, my papers, and my book review. I will try to have the review out by the end of the week but Tunnels is fairly long. I hope everyone had a happy and safe Fourth of July.

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