Friday, July 29, 2016

Poetry time!

Since I never usually post any poetry that I have written I thought I might start doing that instead of the journalist idea.This is only because I am a terrible journalist when it comes to writing anything but crime. So to start with, I will post a poem I did for a poetry contest a few weeks ago called "Heart Breaks Up."

The Melody in my heart,
leaves tiny watermarks imprinting on my soul.
Moonlight bounces off my disappointed stare,
While your tender touch makes me wince with unease.
I fake a smile and grip the prickly grass beneath us.
After taking a deep breath I study you,
Sadness dances across your expression.
I try to remain calm as I slowly get up
And walk away from the me that I have always known,
The me that was you.
My heart breaks upward towards the stars,
Floating away.


  1. Wow girl you have got talent I love it! Its beautiful and sad at the same time good job.

  2. Holly is right, this poem is very good. I will definitely check back for more! Keep writing!
