Thursday, July 28, 2016

Best Loved Fairy Tales-Book Review #14

Now this review is not about just one book but about many stories. Best-Loved Fairy Tales is of course about all the different fairy tales we know and love but it also has ones that aren't as known. I love reading them because they give me inspiration to keep writing my own fantasy story Lost Prince of Waydale that should be released in the fall.

The stories include, "Thumbelina", "The Snow Queen," The Ugly Duckling" and The Princess and the Pea." Some of these stories are pretty well known but others like "The Snail and the Rose-Tree" are less known. I would recommend this book for adults to either read on their own or to their children. Although, some stories might not be as suitable for children as others. Unlike Grim's Fairy Tales, these stories can be quite pleasant. If you are someone who enjoys a quick cute story without getting in invested in a novel, I would definitely recommend this.

Sorry this review is short and not really a review but I was reading some of these stories and thought they were good since I don't have time to read a full length book anymore since school is starting in a few weeks.