Thursday, July 2, 2015

Nevermore- Book review #1

Book review for Nevermore
The first book I am going to review is my very favorite one and has been for many years. Nevermore by Kelly Creagh is about a cheerleader named Isobel Lanley who gets partnered for an English project with goth kid Veren Nethers. Veren chooses to do their English paper on his favorite author Edgar Allan Poe, much to Isobel’s disdain and they are forced to work together. As Isobel gets closer to Veren and begins to lose all her “popular” friends  she soon discovers that Poe’s world might not be as fiction as she once thought. Isobel's new found love for Veren is tested when she must save him from a dream world made up of the dark creatures inside Poe's mind. Basically this is a dark fiction about finding love from the other side of the tracks and brings life to the macabre world that Edgar Allan Poe created. I don't want to go into too much detail and ruin anything but this book is definitely worth a read.

I like this book because it involves Edgar Allan Poe who is my favorite writer and I find a lot of inspiration from what he has accomplished. Kelly Creagh uses Nevermore to put an explanation to Poe’s mysterious death and added some twists of her own. I believe I read this book in only a few days despite the fact that it is over 540 pages only because I couldn’t put it down! I love the relationship that forms between Isobel and Varen because Isobel is popular, outgoing and very closed minded in the beginning and Veren is dark, quiet and does not like Isobel at all. Over time they begin to learn more about each other and Isobel realizes that her old friends were never really good friends to have. Both Isobel and Veren grow as characters though out the book which I like because most books have characters that tend to fall flat. I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys reading young adult fiction and Edgar Allan Poe or dark, paranormal fiction. The sequel to Nevermore is called Enshadowed and the third and final book, Oblivion, will be out this summer!

--On a side note, I have to get a new copy of this book because my chinchilla Lola decided to turn it into a snack.--