Friday, July 10, 2015

Updates and next book review

I know I have been slacking lately, I had a really busy week since the Forth of July with parties and cleaning and babysitting. After Forth of July weekend (which was pretty hectic) I had to do a lot of cleaning and I have to do dishes, laundry, take care of the dogs and water the plants since my boyfriends parents went on vacation. I swear you would think he would fall over dead if he did any house work. Although, he has stepped up quite a bit, so there is hope for him after all. 

I haven't been doing much writing mainly because I have been reading so much. My next book review will be posted by Tuesday or Wednesday. Since I have another busy weekend ahead of me I don't know how much I will be able to read. I had read two different books and tried to decide which one I was going to do my review on and I decided to do another book completely so I guess It's my own fault I am behind. 

On another note my boyfriend Max and I had a good time at the zoo on Sunday. I have to say, I really loved seeing the ravens which are A LOT bigger in person. I have some pictures that I am more then happy to share. Also, I have been searching around for another chinchilla cage and soon but they are not cheap if you get the proper size, School starts in about 7 weeks so I am looking forward to that (kind of) and since I have to pay for that I can't dig too deep for the chinchilla cage. Most days I just want to hide in my room and avoid doing anything that needs to be done. Anyway, I will work on my book review and post it as soon as it's finished.