Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Pretty Little Liars-Book Review #3

Disclaimer: I know my book review is late but things have been crazy around my house and my grandma just got out of the hospital on Monday so things SHOULD be getting back to normal. 

My third book review is going to be about the first book in the Pretty Little Liars series. The books are written by Sara Shepard and there is an amazing television show of the same title based off of the books. The first book introduces the girls Aria, Spencer, Hanna and Emily who are about to enter their junior year of high school, three years after their best friend (and leader of their group) Alison, goes missing. Each one of the girls has their own dirty little secrets that they have been hiding and when Alison disappeared, so have their secrets. Until they each begin to get messages and emails from an unknown sender who knows what the girls are hiding. But how can this person, who calls themselves A, know things about the girls that only Alison knew? Unless...Alison is back? 

I love this book mainly because I absolutely love the T.V show and all the characters so much. I love the mystery and the scandal that goes with both the books and the show. Anyone who knows me knows I am super obsessed with the show and I thought "why not read the books since the show is ending soon." Although the show is different from the books there are a lot of similarities and the first book is basically the pilot episode of the show. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes the T.V show or just loves a scandalous mystery. 

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