Wednesday, October 24, 2012

It's been awhile

So the last time I made a blog my poetry book had just come out or something, and that was quiet a long time ago. My poetry book is available on my online book store and my short story "What Happens After" is now in retail stores. So many things have changed since August I don't even have time to explain it all. But long story short I am starting my job at Target in about 5 days which means my writing might be put on hold for a bit. Also, I am attending Ashworth College and taking the Children's Book program. After much debate of course.

 I bought my very own kitten for the first time and named her Casper because she is all white. She is very social and loves to play. Casper is living with my mom and step dad because they love her too and I don't think my grandmother would like having two dogs and a cat in her house. I think my moms other cats are beginning to warm up to her now and it would be sad to separate them.

If anything interesting happens in my life maybe I will remember to write another blog, now that I can write blogs on my iPod I probably will. I do, after all, have to talk about how my first day of my first job goes. I am also working my ass off to try to get my drivers license but driving sort of scares me. It shouldn't take me to long tOo get over it as long as I keep practicing.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

A few updates

It has been quite some time since my last blog, I honestly have no excuse for that. Anyhow, I wanted to give a few updates on my next book "Nothing to Hide" which is a poetry collection I have put together. It is in my publishers hands now and is going through the process of being published, I am so excited. I have my aunt coming over to pick up the hairless rat my sister borrowed from her so I can't really make this long. But as soon as my book is published I will post it.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Going crazy!

I have no idea when my laptop will be back but I cannot stand another day without being able to write. Sooo I have decided to write on my other computer which I really didn't want to do without being able to have the rest of the finished story. I obviously cannot edit a story that isn't there. But it wouldn't hurt if I wrote a few ideas down and added them to the story. I also can't seem to stop myself from thinking of ideas for my new story so I am going to write those down too, in outline form. So when I am done with my novel Running From Fate, I will have the outline for my new one already done. I will once again have to write one book while I am trying to market another one, I come to think that I have gotten pretty good at it.

It feels nice to be on my old computer again anyway, a lot of my old music from High School is still on it. Also, today is my grandmothers birthday so I have thought of a plan to have a small surprise party for her with just close family. She doesn't really like parties that much so I am going to decorate the house while my friend takes her out shopping and I am going to make her favorite, chocolate chip cookies. I think it's a nice small gathering that she might not mind as much as a large party and strangers singing to her in a restaurant. That wont stop my friend from singing happy birthday to her anyways. I should get to writing now and work some more on the book trailer that I need to finish. I hope my lazy editor gets her butt moving!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Broken Laptop/update

I have not been able to write in quiet some time due to the fact that my laptop broke a few days ago and was sent in to be fixed. Not being able to work on my book has been driving me insane! I even started to think of a new story for a different book! It all starts with a new character that pops into my mind, and with that new character comes a story. Also, my band No Comment that has just gotten back together has a come back show on Saturday June 9th that we are trying to prepare for. The new shipment of my books came in the other day and I have them all signed and on hold. If you are interested in buying my first short story the link is here. Also, we have an old friend visiting from out of state and we have been hanging out a lot. Also, in case you were keeping up with my blog, my friends and I did visit our old high school where I gave my book away to an old teacher of mine. I was also sad to find out that my old English teacher is retiring and I probably won't get to see him again. This is sad because he was one of the very very few English teachers that I actually liked. I tend not to like my English teachers because they are always making me do things that are way below my level. This teacher in particular always was telling me to move up to a higher class and acknowledged my wonderful writing skills. The other kids in the class did not seem to like me very much considering he was always comparing them to me and giving me praise in front of the class.

My friends and I are leaving soon so I should probably wrap this up. I have gotten my old summer job back and will be making money to save up for the vacation Amy and I are going to take in September. Also I want to have enough money to market my novel that will be coming out in the fall. So keep reading my blog and I will have you updated as soon as I can!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Busy Busy Busy

A lot has been happening since my last blog, so much that I can barely keep up! For starters my old band No Comment got back together! Also, I have been writing and writing my butt off and I am waiting to hear back from my editor with some feedback.

Also, tomorrow is kind of a busy day for me, we have band practice in the morning because we are playing our first come back show on June 9th. And my BFF and my sister are going to the old high school as I said before for an art show. I of course am going to be stopping by my old teachers rooms to sell some books. Today was the only day I actually had to myself. Except of course when my brother came home from school and I had to watch him until he was picked up. Yesterday was a very busy day, Amy our rhythm guitarist (and also my best friend) and I started to write a new song, well only the music part, the lyrics we usually leave up to the singer. Than we hung out and played Call of Duty for a few hours with 3 other friends of ours.

Lastly, I have began working on my book trailer for my novel Running from Fate. I wouldn't say I was very good at making the actual videos, but I can write the small teasers that go in the trailer of course.

I really hope our show goes well and we need to practice as much as we can before the show. It is my and Amy's job to make the set list for tomorrow. After we are done with our come back show we then have another one to practice for. We wont have much time for a break and our lead guitarist wants to get us back into the studio. Stay tuned for more info on that!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Home from vacation

I just arrived home yesterday after my 4 day long vacation to the Poconos. It's kind of bitter sweet to be home because I love going to my cabin in the Poconos but it also wasn't a very nice "vacation." I had gone up with my dad, brother and step mother and 5 of their friends. I don't know if you have ever shared one bathroom with nine people before but it sucks. We ran out of hot water so I had to take a cold shower and we also ran out of things to drink. Not that it mattered because we also ran out of cups to drink anything in anyways.

Although there were a lot of bad things about it, I did enjoy playing board games at night and watching movies together. I didn't work on my book much, sadly. If you asked me how I spent my time up there I would have to say I did absolutely nothing. There is no cell phone signal, internet or television so naturally the only thing to do up at the cabin is eat and sleep. We did however go out on the boat and explore the two islands across from our cabin. My brother was of course afraid of the water which was very annoying. He kept telling one of my step moms "larger" friends that she was going to sink us. I tried my hardest not to laugh. Then on the way back home we went past a sign that said "Free Puppies" needless to say my dad refused to stop.

Well I guess I should get back to my writing now because I am way behind.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

My book again!

Okay so I have had enough time feeling sorry for myself over the past few days so I am back again to promote my book What Happens After. So if you are interested, click here for the book trailer. Or you can purchase the book here. Please check it out and you can also find it for the kindle on under the title What Happens After.

Friday, April 20, 2012


I just hate writers block so much. One day I am writing and writing like crazy, and I can't keep the ideas from flooding my mind but the next day I can't think of anything for the life of me. I know it happens to the best of us but it is still frustrating.

Also I have been working hard to promote one book while trying to finish editing my second book. As it would turn out, promoting a book isn't easy, although, I am not complaining because I love writing and I love to work hard when it comes to something I love.

So in conclusion I am writing on my blog to procrastinate a little bit because I have been working so hard trying to promote. Next week I am going to my old high school to visit some of my English teachers to let them know I have published a book and they all did a good job giving me an A for their class. Although I loved getting A's in High School, I never realized how boring it was not to be challenged. I wish, instead of going for the easy A, I took my teacher's advice and challenged myself in an honors class but I suppose it's too late now since I graduated two years ago. 

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

My book

So I finally got my very first short story published on Create space and Amazon for the Kindle. You should check it out on Amazon under the ebook title What Happens After? Or if you want a physical copy  you can go here.

The book is about a girl named Ashley who commits suicide and ends up in the world of After, it's a place where spirits can look in on their loved ones that are still alive. Ashley looks in on her best friend Christian who she was always in love with and watches as his life crumbles.

There is a nice twist at the end and I am pretty proud of this book. I am currently editing my novel and preparing it for publishing.