Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Broken Laptop/update

I have not been able to write in quiet some time due to the fact that my laptop broke a few days ago and was sent in to be fixed. Not being able to work on my book has been driving me insane! I even started to think of a new story for a different book! It all starts with a new character that pops into my mind, and with that new character comes a story. Also, my band No Comment that has just gotten back together has a come back show on Saturday June 9th that we are trying to prepare for. The new shipment of my books came in the other day and I have them all signed and on hold. If you are interested in buying my first short story the link is here. Also, we have an old friend visiting from out of state and we have been hanging out a lot. Also, in case you were keeping up with my blog, my friends and I did visit our old high school where I gave my book away to an old teacher of mine. I was also sad to find out that my old English teacher is retiring and I probably won't get to see him again. This is sad because he was one of the very very few English teachers that I actually liked. I tend not to like my English teachers because they are always making me do things that are way below my level. This teacher in particular always was telling me to move up to a higher class and acknowledged my wonderful writing skills. The other kids in the class did not seem to like me very much considering he was always comparing them to me and giving me praise in front of the class.

My friends and I are leaving soon so I should probably wrap this up. I have gotten my old summer job back and will be making money to save up for the vacation Amy and I are going to take in September. Also I want to have enough money to market my novel that will be coming out in the fall. So keep reading my blog and I will have you updated as soon as I can!

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