Wednesday, October 24, 2012

It's been awhile

So the last time I made a blog my poetry book had just come out or something, and that was quiet a long time ago. My poetry book is available on my online book store and my short story "What Happens After" is now in retail stores. So many things have changed since August I don't even have time to explain it all. But long story short I am starting my job at Target in about 5 days which means my writing might be put on hold for a bit. Also, I am attending Ashworth College and taking the Children's Book program. After much debate of course.

 I bought my very own kitten for the first time and named her Casper because she is all white. She is very social and loves to play. Casper is living with my mom and step dad because they love her too and I don't think my grandmother would like having two dogs and a cat in her house. I think my moms other cats are beginning to warm up to her now and it would be sad to separate them.

If anything interesting happens in my life maybe I will remember to write another blog, now that I can write blogs on my iPod I probably will. I do, after all, have to talk about how my first day of my first job goes. I am also working my ass off to try to get my drivers license but driving sort of scares me. It shouldn't take me to long tOo get over it as long as I keep practicing.

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