Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Home from vacation

I just arrived home yesterday after my 4 day long vacation to the Poconos. It's kind of bitter sweet to be home because I love going to my cabin in the Poconos but it also wasn't a very nice "vacation." I had gone up with my dad, brother and step mother and 5 of their friends. I don't know if you have ever shared one bathroom with nine people before but it sucks. We ran out of hot water so I had to take a cold shower and we also ran out of things to drink. Not that it mattered because we also ran out of cups to drink anything in anyways.

Although there were a lot of bad things about it, I did enjoy playing board games at night and watching movies together. I didn't work on my book much, sadly. If you asked me how I spent my time up there I would have to say I did absolutely nothing. There is no cell phone signal, internet or television so naturally the only thing to do up at the cabin is eat and sleep. We did however go out on the boat and explore the two islands across from our cabin. My brother was of course afraid of the water which was very annoying. He kept telling one of my step moms "larger" friends that she was going to sink us. I tried my hardest not to laugh. Then on the way back home we went past a sign that said "Free Puppies" needless to say my dad refused to stop.

Well I guess I should get back to my writing now because I am way behind.

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