Friday, April 20, 2012


I just hate writers block so much. One day I am writing and writing like crazy, and I can't keep the ideas from flooding my mind but the next day I can't think of anything for the life of me. I know it happens to the best of us but it is still frustrating.

Also I have been working hard to promote one book while trying to finish editing my second book. As it would turn out, promoting a book isn't easy, although, I am not complaining because I love writing and I love to work hard when it comes to something I love.

So in conclusion I am writing on my blog to procrastinate a little bit because I have been working so hard trying to promote. Next week I am going to my old high school to visit some of my English teachers to let them know I have published a book and they all did a good job giving me an A for their class. Although I loved getting A's in High School, I never realized how boring it was not to be challenged. I wish, instead of going for the easy A, I took my teacher's advice and challenged myself in an honors class but I suppose it's too late now since I graduated two years ago. 

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