Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Going crazy!

I have no idea when my laptop will be back but I cannot stand another day without being able to write. Sooo I have decided to write on my other computer which I really didn't want to do without being able to have the rest of the finished story. I obviously cannot edit a story that isn't there. But it wouldn't hurt if I wrote a few ideas down and added them to the story. I also can't seem to stop myself from thinking of ideas for my new story so I am going to write those down too, in outline form. So when I am done with my novel Running From Fate, I will have the outline for my new one already done. I will once again have to write one book while I am trying to market another one, I come to think that I have gotten pretty good at it.

It feels nice to be on my old computer again anyway, a lot of my old music from High School is still on it. Also, today is my grandmothers birthday so I have thought of a plan to have a small surprise party for her with just close family. She doesn't really like parties that much so I am going to decorate the house while my friend takes her out shopping and I am going to make her favorite, chocolate chip cookies. I think it's a nice small gathering that she might not mind as much as a large party and strangers singing to her in a restaurant. That wont stop my friend from singing happy birthday to her anyways. I should get to writing now and work some more on the book trailer that I need to finish. I hope my lazy editor gets her butt moving!

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