Tuesday, August 30, 2016


So as you know school has begun and my workload is unbelievable so I will try my hardest to keep up with my blog. Apparently getting a BA is a lot harder then getting an Associates degree. Just to give you an idea, I have 6 assignments due in one day including two papers, 3 discussions and a quiz. The work is not necessarily "hard" but the amount is too much. 
          I am also trying to keep up with my novel and I am about 30 pages away from being done. I know it may seem like a lot but its actually only 5 chapters until I finish. I can only manage my time and not let myself get too overwhelmed with the workload. I will keep everyone updated and I will hopefully find another book/story/poem to review by next week. 
          I wish everyone else who has returned to school the best of luck in their studies!

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child- Book review #15

So as promised I will review the newest Harry Potter book by J.K Rowling. This book is definitely a must read for any Harry Potter fan. This book starts right where the seventh left off. Harry is older and married to Ginny Weasley, they have 3 children. This book basically revolves around his middle child Albus.
         I won't go into too much detail and spoil it but you get to learn some new things about your favorite characters and see what happens to them after the series ended. For example, Hermione is the minister of magic (at first), and Professor McGonagall is the headmistress of Hogwarts. So it's definitely interesting to see how time changed and the characters as well as those who grew up reading HP have aged.
        The plot is good but sort of similar to the original except it's new characters. Also, despite its decent length, the book is a fairly quick read, I could have finished mine in 1-2 days if I dedicated actual time to it. If you were a Harry Potter fan growing up I would definitely recommend this for you because it's like reading a new Harry Potter book and brings the feelings of your childhood back. I know I missed reading the books after the series ended so it's refreshing to have something new. The story has action, heart and a lot of lessons to learn. Pick this book up and read it if you have the chance, I suggest getting it for a Kindle of ebook if you can because the book is pricey.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016


Since I was slowly losing motivation for writing Lost Prince of Waydale,  I decided to post another poem while you waited for my book review. This poem is called "Angel's."

You are my golden glow,
Like an angels halo.
Please tell me that you’ll stay awhile,
And bless me with your sweet smile.
Like an angel,
You came from above,
To be my other half,
My one true love.
Your voice is like a beautiful spell
Ringing and ringing like a morning bell.
Some say angels don’t exist,
But I say that’s not true.
Cause’ today I met an angel.
An angel that was you.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Back and ready for action

I have returned from my "vacation" and I am ready to dive back into my book and writing my blogs. I do have a book I want to review, (the new Harry Potter book) but I have also read another book too. Since the Harry Potter book is much longer, I am thinking I might review the other one first. I am only 5 chapters away from finishing my novel too! I have a busy day ahead of me tomorrow and I have to deal with issues going on with my school. I am also going to the movies with my sister so I might not have a lot of time to write.
          I will also try to write more poetry since my poems seemed to be quite popular before. I will try my best to get everything done because I also have also have to do some work to make money to pay the bills. I am excited for school to start and I am excited for my novel to come out. I hope everyone is also looking forward to it and waits patiently with me. 

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Just a heads up

Just so everyone is aware, I will be away all weekend and will not have access to the internet. I do however have a book in mind for my next review, the newest Harry Potter book! Anyway, I hope everyone has a good and safe weekend, I will also be writing more of my book over the weekend too. I am looking forward to its completion and excited to have it on the market. Stay tuned.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Not really a poem

I have something that I wrote that I wanted to share. It's not really a poem per say but I am not sure what else to call it. A blurb? Anyway, I wrote this about someone who hurt me a lot and if it wasn't for them I might be a totally different person.

 You are like a tornado,
beautiful to look at
but dangerous if you get to close.
I should have known then,
not to get close to you.
Not to let myself get caught in you.
Only to be left behind
in your path of destruction.

There you go, I had to get it out there because I found it this morning and thought it was worth a read. On a side note, I am doing very well with my novel and will have my second pair of eyes look at it for editorial purposes. School is coming up so fast I am getting a mixture of nervousness and excitement now. I will do a book review soon, I have just been concentrating on my own work for once so I will get it out as soon as I finish it. 

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Cover reveal!

Since I have had so much time to work on my novel Lost Prince of Waydale and I finally received my cover art, I wanted to share it with everyone. The illustrations were done by Hazel Martin and you can find her other work on Facebook. So here it is everyone, The cover reveal for Lost Prince of Waydale. 

 Expect the novel to come out around October or November, it really depends on my editors and however long it takes for my manuscript to be approved. As long as I don't get hung up on doing anything else in the mean time. Hopefully I will have a release date for everyone shortly and will set the book for preorder on Amazon. Meanwhile, check out my other books here.