Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Pretty Little Liars-Book Review #3

Disclaimer: I know my book review is late but things have been crazy around my house and my grandma just got out of the hospital on Monday so things SHOULD be getting back to normal. 

My third book review is going to be about the first book in the Pretty Little Liars series. The books are written by Sara Shepard and there is an amazing television show of the same title based off of the books. The first book introduces the girls Aria, Spencer, Hanna and Emily who are about to enter their junior year of high school, three years after their best friend (and leader of their group) Alison, goes missing. Each one of the girls has their own dirty little secrets that they have been hiding and when Alison disappeared, so have their secrets. Until they each begin to get messages and emails from an unknown sender who knows what the girls are hiding. But how can this person, who calls themselves A, know things about the girls that only Alison knew? Unless...Alison is back? 

I love this book mainly because I absolutely love the T.V show and all the characters so much. I love the mystery and the scandal that goes with both the books and the show. Anyone who knows me knows I am super obsessed with the show and I thought "why not read the books since the show is ending soon." Although the show is different from the books there are a lot of similarities and the first book is basically the pilot episode of the show. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes the T.V show or just loves a scandalous mystery. 

Thursday, July 16, 2015

The Hidden Staircase- Book review # 2

For my next book review I decided to do a book from my favorite female detective, Nancy Drew! I began reading Nancy Drew (by Carolyn Keen) books since I was very young (when most kids were still reading Captain Underpants) and had to share one of my favorites. This particular case is called The Hidden Staircase, involves 18-Year-Old detective Nancy Drew investigating a “haunted house.” The owner of the house, Aunt Rosemary and her niece reported voices, strange music, creaking at night and objects going missing. Nancy must figure out if it really is ghostly activity, or a more rational, and criminal explanation. She comes to the conclusion that this is not ghostly activity but in fact a person trying to scare them away, but why? While working on this mystery Nancy is also dealing with problems regarding her father and a missing man named Willie Wharton. I don’t want to give any of it away so you will have to read it for yourself but in the end Nancy saves a family from losing their home and closes another case (obviously.) Also, If you enjoy Nancy Drew books there are some awesome PC games by Her Interactive™ that are absolutely amazing! I love this book, as well as the other ND books because I love mystery novels and I like how Nancy is so relatable  and she is definitely an inspiration to young girls who love a little sleuthing. So if you enjoy a good mystery pick up The Hidden Staircase by Carolyn Keen!

Friday, July 10, 2015

Updates and next book review

I know I have been slacking lately, I had a really busy week since the Forth of July with parties and cleaning and babysitting. After Forth of July weekend (which was pretty hectic) I had to do a lot of cleaning and I have to do dishes, laundry, take care of the dogs and water the plants since my boyfriends parents went on vacation. I swear you would think he would fall over dead if he did any house work. Although, he has stepped up quite a bit, so there is hope for him after all. 

I haven't been doing much writing mainly because I have been reading so much. My next book review will be posted by Tuesday or Wednesday. Since I have another busy weekend ahead of me I don't know how much I will be able to read. I had read two different books and tried to decide which one I was going to do my review on and I decided to do another book completely so I guess It's my own fault I am behind. 

On another note my boyfriend Max and I had a good time at the zoo on Sunday. I have to say, I really loved seeing the ravens which are A LOT bigger in person. I have some pictures that I am more then happy to share. Also, I have been searching around for another chinchilla cage and soon but they are not cheap if you get the proper size, School starts in about 7 weeks so I am looking forward to that (kind of) and since I have to pay for that I can't dig too deep for the chinchilla cage. Most days I just want to hide in my room and avoid doing anything that needs to be done. Anyway, I will work on my book review and post it as soon as it's finished. 

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Happy Fourth of July!


Hope everyone has a good holiday and remember, don't drink and drive. Have fun but be smart!

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Nevermore- Book review #1

Book review for Nevermore
The first book I am going to review is my very favorite one and has been for many years. Nevermore by Kelly Creagh is about a cheerleader named Isobel Lanley who gets partnered for an English project with goth kid Veren Nethers. Veren chooses to do their English paper on his favorite author Edgar Allan Poe, much to Isobel’s disdain and they are forced to work together. As Isobel gets closer to Veren and begins to lose all her “popular” friends  she soon discovers that Poe’s world might not be as fiction as she once thought. Isobel's new found love for Veren is tested when she must save him from a dream world made up of the dark creatures inside Poe's mind. Basically this is a dark fiction about finding love from the other side of the tracks and brings life to the macabre world that Edgar Allan Poe created. I don't want to go into too much detail and ruin anything but this book is definitely worth a read.

I like this book because it involves Edgar Allan Poe who is my favorite writer and I find a lot of inspiration from what he has accomplished. Kelly Creagh uses Nevermore to put an explanation to Poe’s mysterious death and added some twists of her own. I believe I read this book in only a few days despite the fact that it is over 540 pages only because I couldn’t put it down! I love the relationship that forms between Isobel and Varen because Isobel is popular, outgoing and very closed minded in the beginning and Veren is dark, quiet and does not like Isobel at all. Over time they begin to learn more about each other and Isobel realizes that her old friends were never really good friends to have. Both Isobel and Veren grow as characters though out the book which I like because most books have characters that tend to fall flat. I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys reading young adult fiction and Edgar Allan Poe or dark, paranormal fiction. The sequel to Nevermore is called Enshadowed and the third and final book, Oblivion, will be out this summer!

--On a side note, I have to get a new copy of this book because my chinchilla Lola decided to turn it into a snack.--