Wednesday, September 28, 2016

This Place

I feel your icy lips
Brush across my face.
For so many years I have been longing,
for your sweet embrace. 


Reaching my hand up,
I place it on my cheek,
Trying to soak up
Where your lingering touch is weak. 

I feel your gentle hands
Tightly grip my face
I really wish you were here,
In this saddened place.

I pretend that you are here,
I see your face in the mirror.
I wish it wouldn’t be,
But you are a part of me.

Everything beautiful reminds me of you.
Even a flower or a fancy shoe.
Pain like this
Is nothing new.
A single tear traces my face,
how did I end up here
in this painful place?

Thursday, September 22, 2016

First day of Fall!

I am super excited about it finally being the first day of fall! I love fall with its changing leaves and colder weather. I have been so sick of the heat that I have been ready to wear long pants and a jacket for a few weeks now! Also, with fall comes my favorite holiday, Halloween! I finally have my own place to decorate and I am excited to do so. Also, since it is fall that means it is just that much closer to my novel coming out, Lost Prince of Waydale, in November. However, I do have a lot of school things going on right now such as papers and tests. Also, I am now on the food and decoration committee for my literary club, Preterite's, Literary ComicCon in coming in October. Unfortunately this day falls on another special day, my 3 1/2 year anniversary to my boyfriend. I'm sure he understands that I will be busy but I still feel bad. 

Anyway, I just wanted to touch bases with everyone and express my joy for the fall! I can't wait to wear my long pants, boots and drink pumpkin spice lattes. Everyone enjoy their weekend and I hope you stay tuned for my special book reviews coming up!

Monday, September 19, 2016

Demon in My View-Book Review #17

          Since I did promise another book review before my Halloween special, I decided to do one of my favorite books. Demon in My View by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes is a fantastic book about teenage author Jessica Allodola. Jessica is a high school outcast who uses a pen name, Ash Night, so no one knows she is the author of the popular vampire book Tiger, Tiger. Demon in My View begins with her senior year and two new students seem to take an interest in Jessica, bubbly Caryn and brooding mysterious Alex.

          Long story short, Jessica realizes that the two new students are in fact two characters from her book, Alex is really Aubrey the vampire and Caryn is a witch. There isn't too much detail given as to how Jessica knew about the world of vampires and witches other then the explanation that Jessica's real mother was a vampire.

       I love this book mainly because the author who wrote it was 13 when she wrote the first book in the series, In the Forest of the Night. You don't have to read the first book in order to understand Demon in My View, the first book just gives you more insight to thee vampires and witches. I read Demon in My View before reading In the Forest of the Night  and I was fine. I read In the Forest of the Night because I wanted to know more about Aubrey. Another reason I love this book is because, as a writer, I love the idea of my book characters coming to life. I read this book quite a while ago when I was about 14 or 15 and I liked that it didn't fit your typical vampire novel. There is no romance or teen girl infatuation, the focus of the story is how Jessica relates to this vampire world and how her dreams allowed her to write this book about them. Although there might be a interest between Aubrey, that is not the main focus of the story.

          If you like stories where the book characters "come alive," with vampires, and witches without it being cheesy, I recommend this book.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Book review info and Lost Prince of Wadale

Since I know it has seemed like  awhile since my last review I thought I would mention something. I have 3 book reviews prepared and written as drafts and I have been waiting until Halloween to release them. But since it appears that I haven't been doing any I wanted to clear that up. Since it has been long I decided to do a review before I release the Halloween special ones just to satisfy everyone. Also, I am almost done with my novel Lost Prince of Waydale, and I am at the most interesting part know as the "climax." I am so proud of it so far and I can't wait for everyone to be able to read it. Since it has been so long I thought I would give you a small tidbit from LPW. Enjoy and I hope you have a good weekend.

Flint opened his mouth to speak but Collin interrupted him. "My name is Prince Collin James of Waydale, and we have come to speak to you about important property of ours that was stolen." The wiseman looked at Collin for the first time, and when he did, Collin felt his blood run cold for a moment. The mans eyes were cloudy and pale like a pearl that lost its shine. Collin shivered.

   "I don't think he can see us," Collin whispered only for Flint to hear. "I do not need to see with my eyes Prince Collin, I see with my soul" he replied. Collin swallowed hard and shifted uncomfortably. "Please sit down gentleman and I will tell you what you need to know," the Wiseman said. The two boys obeyed and sat on a gray and white pillow beside the fire pit. 

Saturday, September 10, 2016

What Happens After re-release

After much thought I decided to re-release my first book "What Happens After" just because there were a few extra things I needed to add. So here it is, the ebook link to my book, it will be back on Kindle soon. Click here!

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

All for one special book reviews-#17

So since I have been so busy with school and haven't had much time for my blogs or my novel, I wanted to do something special. For my next 2 book reviews, instead of doing them on long novels, I am going to highlight 2 short stories that I think are classic and deserve recognition. I will begin with one of my favorite authors.

Kate Chopin- Story of An Hour: This short flash fiction is about a woman who finds out her husband has died in an accident at work. The woman, Mrs. Mallard, begins to cry and goes off to her room and looks out the window. Suddenly she begins to feel happy and "free." I believe this story is trying to explain how women back in the 14th century felt trapped in marriage and the only way she could escape him is for him to die. I like this story because of all the different ways it can be interpreted. Is the wife cruel for feeling free or do you sympathize? There is a nice ironic twist at the end but I won't give it away.

Kurt Vonnegut-Harrison Bergeron: I love this story because it has the "dystopia" theme that I always enjoy. It is set in the year 2081 and overall this story is about a world in which believes that the world should all be equal. No one should have any advantages over someone else. For example, if you are a fast runner or are really beautiful, you had to wear an ugly mask and weights on your feet. The main character Harrison Bergeron is covered in a mask and a lot of heavy weights because he is attractive and athletic. He is seen as a criminal in the story because of how many "handicaps" he has. I wont give away the ending but it is definitely worth the read if you enjoy futuristic dystopia's.