Thursday, February 11, 2016

Wow has it really been five weeks?

Okay so it has obviously been a while since my last post and there are several reasons for this:

1. I have not read any books to review other than "Math In Society" which no one wants to read.
2. School has kept me pretty busy because it is math class so I have to try really hard and study all the time and I have even been trying to read ahead so I have an idea of what to expect next week.
3. The final reason why I haven't done any book reviews is because I have no new books to read! It takes me a while to find a book that I am interested in and I am very picky about a lot when it comes to books. 

Since I did promise a review on the other book I was reading then I will do that for you as soon as I finish up with this update. Also every other monday I have to go to an Alpha Sigma Lambda meeting at 2pm which takes even more time out of my day. Alpha Sigma Lambda is an honors society for adults at my school, and we have this cool lounge where there is free food, coffee, computers and a television that I am allowed to use anytime I want. So I might use my time in the lounge to read or write since I have a hard time doing it at home. 

Also, I am graduating in about 3 months which is pretty crazy. I ordered my cap and gown the other day and now I get to wear a special A.S.L sash and be recognized as an honor society student at graduation. It will look fantastic on my resume and I get a lot of scholarships for it too which I need. Hopefully everything is settled with financial aid about my schools next year, I still have to get in contact with my transfer adviser from my one school. I am really nervous about graduation and of course my anxiety is thinking of all the things that can go wrong. I will be that person who falls on stage on the way to the podium. I also have a fear that they won't call my name at all and I will just be sitting there like an idiot. Buutttt i'm sure these feelings are normal, right? 

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