Sunday, February 21, 2016

Love you, Hate You, Miss You-Book Review #8

Love You, Hate You, Miss You by Elizabeth Scott is an amazing book that I read a few years ago and just have to review it. At the time I first read this book I was going through something similar to the main character and because of that, this book will always mean a lot to me.

Love You, Hate You, Miss You is about a girl named Amy who lost her best friend  Julia in a terrible car accident. Since Amy was also in the car she feels survivor's guilt, considering Amy was driving under the influence at the time. When Amy's psychologist tells her she could keep a diary to write down her thoughts, she decides to write letters to Julia instead. These letters are very raw and brutally honest as she writes about her life and how she feels like it no longer has any meaning. This book definitely describes the different stages someone goes through after losing a friends such as still loving them and missing them but also hating them for leaving you behind. 

Slowly Amy begins to reshape her life and meets a boy named Patrick who has experienced hardship and loss and begins to relate to Amy. The closer the two become the more Amy realizes she can move on from her loss and start her life again.

This book is beautiful but it was also kind of hard for me to read because I had lost one of my best friends a few years ago shortly before reading this book. I can definitely relate to the emotionlessness the narrator is feeling. I would 1000% recommend this book to everyone whether you have experienced a loss or not. It is beautifully written, emotional and makes you think a lot about life and death.  

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry to hear about your loss, great review though
