Tuesday, January 5, 2016

How i've been spending the year so far

Now I know it has only been 2016 for four days and I must say I only worked on my book for one of those days. I know my New Years resolution was to write more, and it still is, but I have also been reading quite a bit and spending my winter break with my boyfriend. School starts in just over two weeks and I will have to put my book and book reviews on hold until I get into a routine. Since I am taking math class who knows how long that will take. Also, I have to remember to turn in my graduation application before February 1st and fill out financial aid for my two new schools before the deadline. Also, my birthday is coming up soon and I have yet to decide how I am going to spend it. I wanted to go to my cabin in the Poconos with some friends but my boyfriend thinks I should go to a casino since I have never been there and always wanted to experience it. Either way I have to decide soon. 

On a different note I have started reading a book on my Kindle that I thought was pretty interesting and I will give it a small review when I am closer to finishing it but so far it's a good read. The book is called Inception by Bianca Scardoni and it is part of a series called The Marked Ones. I normally don't read vampire novels anymore the way I did in high school but this one was attracted to me based simply on the way it was written. I will write my review and post it either by the end of the week or the beginning of next week. 

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