Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Just some news and updates

So as you can see it has been over a month since my last book review and this is mainly because I haven't had any time to read or write because of school, my honors society meetings and preparing for graduation so I thought I would give you a little update. The next book I am planning on reviewing is called I Will Plant You A Lilac Tree by Laura Hillman. This book is an amazing true story about a Schindler's List survivor during the Holocaust. This book is absolutely amazing, heartbreaking and inspiring and I can't wait to review it for you guys. 

I will try to keep up with my blog until the summer because I am going to be so busy with my Alpha Sigma Lambda meetings and I have community service events coming up where I am building houses for the homeless as a part of the honors society and I am getting ready to transfer school which has been stressful. So please bear with me for the next few weeks and I should have my new review out soon! 

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