Sunday, December 20, 2015

Same old excuses but big news!

Okay so I know I have been neglecting my blog a lot and haven't done any book reviews because I have been so busy with school and studying for finals. Now that school and finals are over for the next month I am able to work on all the stuff I have neglected before like my novel, book reviews, blog and my boyfriend. Now as far as the book review goes I will be doing one of my old favorites that I was thinking about rereading because of how amazing it is called The Journal of Callie Wade by Dawn Miller. I love this book for many reasons but I won't share them until my review comes out, probably later today. 

Also, I have been beginning to work on my long lost novel Running from Fate of which I began so long ago I am not even going to tell you. I have decided, after much internal debate to completely scrap the original plot and make a completely new one to match my "teen paranormal romance" theme that I have going on right now. The titles and characters will all remain the same but there will be slight differences in the storyline. I only finished 84 pages so far that have to be edited which now I have all the time in the world for. Instead of binge watching Charmed on Netflix I can do something productive like go for a walk (haha yeah right) or read my favorite books. 

Since my newest book review will be posted today I will have to make a separate one next week as an official "promotion" for my old/new novel once I rewrite the synopsis. I will also be making my other book What Happens After available in libraries so you can look forward to that. Also, from December 21-23 it will be available for free on Amazon. I will be a busy bee for the next month until school starts so I hope you are prepared! 

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