Wednesday, December 23, 2015

A small look into my "new" novel.

Since I mentioned on Sunday that I was beginning to work on my novel I will give everyone a little insight to what the new plot will be about. This is not the official synopsis that will appear on the back of the book but it is just enough so you know what the book will be about. Also, if you are wondering why I changed it in the first places it's mainly because I was very bored with the original plot (which I don't think I ever mentioned) and had a lot of trouble writing it. 

The new plot has the same main characters,Naomi and Gabriel, 15 and 16-years old, who have been forced together by their parents since the day they were born. But despite this, the two teenagers hate each other. Little do Naomi and Gabriel know, their parents are keeping a dark secret from them, and on Naomi's 16th birthday, their secret cannot remain hidden any longer. When Naomi discovers she has the uncanny ability to channel the emotions of others, she realizes she is not the only one with special gifts and the world she thought she lived in, is just a small one within many larger ones. In order to escape the destiny that was fated to her, she turns to the only person immune to her, and all other unnatural abilities: Gabriel. Will the two be able to set aside their differences to change the fate of the world? Or will Naomi's destiny pull her under?

Now I know it might sound kinda lame right now since I am still working on it but I promise it will be good. Also, for the next 12 hours my first book What Happens After will be free for the Kindle on Amazon and can be found here. If I don't post tomorrow I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, stay safe and enjoy life! 


  1. Wow your book sounds amazing you should write more of it

  2. It sounds exactly like something i would read please continu it
