Monday, June 29, 2015

In celebration of....

To celebrate the fact that I finally bought an official domain for my blog (although it is not ready yet) I thought I would share with everyone the sonnet I submitted to the literary magazines. This sonnet is called Night Terrors. Now for those of you who do not know, a sonnet is a poem what typically rhymes in an abab format. This means that every other sentence must rhyme. Also, a sonnet (usually) has a ten syllable format too. This means that every line must be no more than ten syllables long. Now that you have an idea of what a "sonnet" is, here is one I wrote for my creative writing class. If you do go to my website you will probably get an error for the next few days!

Night Terrors

Night falls and darkness breaks, casting shadows. 
Here she lies awakened by macabre dreams. 
Nightmares wreak havoc why? Nobody knows.
Cold creeps up her spine. Wind quieting her screams. 
 Shivering, shaking, ice stops her blood flow, 
She feels she’s coming apart at the seams.
Nighttime covers the scars she dare not show. 
No one she trusts, nope, not by any means. 
Each night roused by horrors and the moons glow
Monsters inside her, lowers self-esteem.
Waiting for the day time to rid her foe
Without it, nightmares are a constant theme.
More shadows approach, she feels her fear grow
Her only relief is the suns bright gleam.

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