Monday, June 29, 2015

After much debate...

After much debate I have decided, instead of scrapping this blog, to continue it. I have read back on all the things going on with my life when I started this blog and it made me a bit sad to see how things have changed so much. Since I have started my blog almost 3 years ago I have made friends, lost friends, graduated college and gotten job after job. Only a few things have remained consistent and that is my friendship with my best friend Amy and my love of writing. I am also still with my amazing boyfriend Max and it has been over 2 years now. My band No Comment is no longer together (and hasn't been for some time) and I am no longer friends with anyone from the group other than Amy which I am fine with because it was a pretty bad break up. I do not know what we were hoping to accomplish anyway. Now that I am 23-years-old I can see why my parents told me it wasn't going to work out. My passion was always with writing, not with music so I took it pretty well when we broke up. I graduated from Ashworth College in Psychology and I am now continuing on to get my bachelors degree in English. Although I am not sure if I want to peruse literature or creative writing. First I am trying to get an associates in General and liberal studies just to open more options for me when it comes to if I want to edit, publish, write or teach. I am starting my last year in August and I feel excited as well as nervous. I am making a few hundred dollars a month during my summer job but I have to save my money for not only a new chinchilla cage, but textbooks too. 

I am going to try to write more and I recently submitted some of my sonnets to literary magazines and have only heard back from one so far. I took a creative writing class in college and learned a lot about not only writing but about myself as a writer. I have met some great people who love the same thing as me and although things are very different, I wouldn't take anything back. Since my boyfriend graduated from college he works full time at a job in computer networking and maintenance. We have a few parties to attend this weekend seeing as its Fourth of July weekend! My sisters boyfriend is coming to visit from Chicago and Max and I have invited both of them as well as Amy and her boyfriend to a barbecue. Lola and Onyx are doing great and now I have two other chinchillas to care for that belong to Max named Ziggy and Vincent. Ziggy is my baby since we bought him very young he is desensitized to my kisses and cuddles. Since this blog is already super long I will just end it with some pictures! 
 Me and Max
My precious Ziggy

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