Wednesday, November 13, 2013

So many changes

It had been over a year since my last blog and so much of my life has changed. I am still writing of course, it's in my blood. But now I have decided to fur fill my dream and become either an FBI agent and specialize in serial killers or be an investigative journalist. I am going to college now for Abnormal Psychology, English, Criminal Law and Criminal Investigations which is a lot of fun. My books have been out for a while and my novel is completely edited and I am working on a new fiction story.

Also, I haven't been keeping up with my blog since I am in school all the time and when I am not in school I am studying or with my wonderful boyfriend of almost a year. The band is no more and we are all doing our own things which is sad but it was bound to happen eventually.

The last major change in my life was, after working at Target, I decided to spend my first paycheck on the most precious things in the world to me. My Chinchillas. I got my first chinchilla Lola in November of last year. I love her more than anything in the world. I got my second Chinchilla Onyx in July of this year. She is blind in one eye so she requires some special needs but she doesn't let it bother her and I love them very much. I am going to try to keep up with my blog I promise, not that my life is very interesting anyways.

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