Thursday, November 14, 2013


Since I mentioned yesterday that I have two chinchillas, I thought I should explain a little about them. Chinchillas are cute, and furry creatures that look like a cross between a squirrel and a rabbit. They come from the Andes Mountains in South America. Many of their species has been wiped out due to fur hunting. Chinchillas have over 60 hairs per follicle, unlike humans who only have one. This makes their fur very soft and desirable. Chinchillas are social creatures that require a lot of attention, and they need to have at least an hour of "play time," per day, outside of their cage. Speaking of cages, many first-time chinchilla owners might not even know the proper cage to get.  Chinchillas need multi-level cages with lots of room to run around. The cage must have a solid bottom, this is because their tiny feet could get stuck. Also, no plastic is allowed, this includes plastic huts and landings. They will chew on it if it's in there. Also, chinchillas teeth are constantly growing, this means they will need things in their cage to chew on such as certain types of wood, loofah and pumice rock.

Chinchillas also are very sensitive to the heat. Being from the mountains, they are extremely prone to heat stroke in temperatures over 75 degrees. A good way to keep them cool is to purchase a Chin-Chiller, for them to lay on. This is just a small slab of granite they have the option to lay on if they get too warm. I would suggest getting two and always keeping one in the freezer for emergencies. For food, they need simple, plain, pellet, and an endless supply of Timothy hay per day. As far as treats go, despite what you read online or what pet stores sell, DO NOT FEED YOUR CHINCHILLA RAISINS! It will stick in their teeth causing very bad, and not to mention expensive damage, which  can lead to obesity and diabetes. 

One cute thing about chinchillas is that they cannot get wet or be in water. To get clean they take "dust baths." This "dust" is actually really fine volcanic ash that goes inside a chinchilla bath house that can be found at any pet store. They roll around in the dust to get their fur soft and shiny, as well as remove any oil or dirt. Since their fur is so thick they do not get dandruff, fleas, or ticks. Never leave the dust bath in the cage, too many dust baths will cause dry skin.

And last, chinchillas are nocturnal. So if you plan on getting one and keeping it in your room, be prepared to be kept up every once in awhile. Just this morning my chinchilla, Lola, randomly decided to bark at 8am. Yes, chinchillas make a variety of sounds, including barking. They also usually should be kept in pairs of two, or more, since they are social animals. Which leads to more noise at night. I have gotten used to it, but if you are someone who gets up early every morning and relies on sleep, either put your chinnie in a different room or don't get one at all. Chinchillas can be very enjoyable pets to have and can live a long life if cared for properly!