Friday, October 27, 2017

The Great Gatsby- Book review #24

The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald is considered a "classic novel." If you have ever gone to school, I'm sure you have heard of this book. The main plot of this book is about a man named Nick Caraway who meets a fascinating guy named Jay Gatsby. Nick comes from a world that's much different from Gatsby's. Gatsby has a large house, nice cars and popular parties. Nick has a love hate relationship with Gatsby and is fascinated by his lifestyle. There is a brief love story that takes place throughout the novel. Sadly, it ends tragically.

The book takes place in the 1920's when everyone just wanted to have a good time. Nick, who loves to look at Gatsby's nice things, seems like his feelings towards men in the novel might be questionable.

Overall, the book has both good and bad qualities to it. When I first read it, I didn't really understand the point of the novel, but there are so many places to go with this. The novel seems to be about the death of the American dream, and the fantasy of social mobility. It's deemed more important then it really should be.

The Great Gatsby is a fairly quick read, so if you get the time to read this book or need a "roaring 20's" book to write about for school, I recommend this one. The book covers some of Nicks underlining feelings towards Gatsby himself, it covers the love between Gatsby and Daisy as well as a few unfortunate deaths. While reading this novel, it's important to think about the loss of America and the importance of staying true to who you are.

Gatsby wanted to be someone who was worth knowing, so he thought if he had money and threw fun parties, people would like him. Unfortunately, Gatsby was living in a world where people only cared about the social class, not the individual people. This book definitely has its moments and as I said, I would recommend it to someone who is looking to read a good classic.

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