Thursday, September 28, 2017

Update on what has been happening

Since my last book review was all the way in May, I assumed it was the right time to explain where I have been. Since my last review, my fiance and I have moved into a new apartment, iv'e begun my senior year at Cedar Crest College and I have my wedding to plan. I didn't get to renew my domain for this website because of a cost issue and the fact that I have bills to pay. Hopefully soon I will be able to buy it once again.

So with school and wedding stuff going on, I haven't read anything other then text books or required reading. I did think about perhaps doing a review on The Great Gatsby since it is a classic. Also, back in February my grandfather passed away and I didn't feel like doing much reading after that.

I was also recently involved in a pretty bad car accident where I was left with some injuries and it's been tough to get over. I have been focusing on my school work for now and occasionally do some wedding planning.

I will try to post another book review soon, but I can't promise it wont be a book I had to read for my Modern American Literature class.

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