Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Existence- Book review 21

Existence by Abbie Glines is a fantastic novel that I have read and re-read twice over. There are 3 more books in the series but I am only review the first one for now. What I like about this book is the fact that it's different. Existance involves a love story between the main character Pagan and Dank. Pagan has the ability to see the souls of the dead and Dank is death himself. After Pagan gets chosen for death, Dank goes to her and gets ready to take her but when he accidentally falls in love with her he tries to fight for her soul.
           Abbie Glines sets the stage for a unique love story that defies the norm and sets itself aside from other paranormal romance. I liked this book because the thought of death being not only personified but made into an actual person, is fascinating. There are a few other people in the story who try to stop Dank from saving Pagan and Pagans boyfriend Lief has a few secrets of his own.
          I recommend this book to those of any age who enjoy reading paranormal romance with a twist. Also, I would highly suggest reading all the books in the series including the side book written in the point of view of Lief.

Disclaimer- Sorry this review is so late, I started it about a week ago and planned on finishing it by last Friday but things got away from me. My grandmother is dealing with health issues and my grandfather who has had cancer for almost 13 years has made a turn for the worst. I have spent the past week and a half taking care of them, going to the hospital and doing what I can. I will try to have another review out soon.

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