Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Story of Thieves- Book Review #22

I know it has been a while, but since my grandfather passed away on the 21st of February, I have been busy with family stuff. Also, now that I am on spring break, I have a little free time from school to read and write. I am currently in the middle of reading a book that reminded me a little of my own book Lost Prince of Waydale because the main characters are able to jump into books!

 Story of Thieves by James Riley is targeted for younger readers (ages 10-14) and it is the first book in a four book series. Story of Thieves follows Owen, who has discovered a fellow classmate, Bethany, jumping out of a storybook! Owen is thrilled and can't wait to visit his favorite hero Kiel Gnomenfoot. Owen finds out that Bethany has been jumping from book to book in hopes of finding her father, who is a fictional character that got lost in a book and hasn't come out. Owen agreed to help Bethany if she took him into his favorite series. Little does Bethany know, Owen has a plan to save one of his favorite characters from being killed! Bethany insists Owen does not interact with any main characters or else it could mess up the whole story. When the two friends enter the novel and Owen saves the his favorite character, the consequences are severe! Will Bethany and Owen be able to fix what they have done? Will Bethany ever find her father?

I don't want to give anything away, but I am about half way though this book and I think it is fantastic so far. The style and tone is sophisticated enough for older readers not to get bored, but it's simple enough to appeal to the younger readers. The subject of this series is what had me fascinated because (as everyone knows) I love the thoughts of going into a story. I would recommend this book to anyone who wants a book that will "take them away" to another world.  Whether you are an older adult, a teenager or a middle school student, this book is the perfect fit for anyone who has an imagination and a love of adventure.

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