Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Apologies and update.

First and foremost I have to apologize for how few and far between my reviews are. I have been waiting until closer to Halloween before posing the special review I have had for a few weeks now. Also, the past 2 weeks have been really hectic for me because I have mid-terms and papers due at the same time. Hopefully by the end of the week things will calm down before getting crazy again. Two of the school clubs that I am in are having several events that I need to participate in which takes up a lot of my writing/reading time.

As far as my novel, Lost Prince of Waydale, goes I am so close to the end that I can taste it! Once I finish it I need to edit it before sending the manuscript to the appropriate place. Don't worry, it will still be coming out in November so I will update you on the pre-order option on Amazon. I will try to have one more book review before my Halloween special just because I need to have a more recent one. I am thinking of doing either a special one for banned books, or just review one specific banned book.

Overall, I hope everyone is enjoying their fall so far and I look forward to informing you about the completion of my book. Stay tuned for more reviews as well!

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