Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Busy week

I will not have a review this week due to how busy I will be. Not only do I have three tests next week, I also have a paper due that needs to be 7-10 pages long. Also, I have my interview at Moravian College this thursday, I am handing out Halloween candy on Friday and an open house on Moravian campus this Halloween which will take up most of my day, and I will most likely be going to a party that night. As of now I am thinking about reading Hemingway or Charles Dickens I am not sure which. So as you can see the next few weeks are going to be very busy so I will try to get another book review done in a week or two depending on how much I will have to study for my test on Nov 9th. I am doing all this while trying to write my children's book and I am doing the best I can.

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