Tuesday, September 15, 2015

School, Writing Contests, Literary Magazines.

Now I know I owe you guys another book review but I have been so busy with school and my own writing that I have no extra time to do any reading. Several of the books I have considered reading I do not think I can review due to the content....

Anyway, I have been submitting  a lot of my work to writing competitions accepting both poetry, fiction and nonfiction short stories. I have also been submitting my poetry to literary magazines in hopes of being selected. Some of these magazines and contests have entry "reading fees" but the winner payout is nice. Whether I win or not (I'm certainly not expecting to) I would just be happy with being chosen to be put into the magazine. The last poem of mine that won any sort of reward was in August of 2008 I won a poem of the year award so I am hoping for the best. 

Aside from the writing contests and competitions I have been trying to concentrate on school and passing all of my classes. I have also been working my ass off to get into the Phi Theta Kappa Honors Society at my school. Two days of the week they have meetings which will take up even more of my time but the group has many benefits including special recognition at graduation and many scholarships that I will need. 

So sorry about the late updates and no book review (I will try to do one next week I promise) but I have been so busy with life I can't even breathe sometimes. Wish me luck on the competitions and literary submissions, I am going to need it! 

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