Friday, December 2, 2016

Exciting new things happening

First I would like to say that I am sorry for not doing any reviews since October! I have so many things happening in my life right now
that my blog has taken back seat. First, I have my last two weeks of school happening right now and I have so many papers due that I haven't had much time to read or write anything personal. Also, I recently got engaged (Monday, November 21st) and have been planning a bit for my wedding and engagement party. I have a few appointments to look at wedding venues for the next few days, and finals beginning Monday the 12th that I need to study for. With that said, I will be posting a book review either later today or tomorrow on one of my favorite book series' ever. Besides Harry Potter, these books also take me away to another world and I can't get enough of the magical places.

Even though no one asked, I will be posting pictures of my engagement ring because I am so damn happy and proud of it. My fiance and I dated for 3 years and 7 months before finally getting engaged. Along with starting my last year of college in a few months, looking to move into our own home and planning a wedding, I am feeling overwhelmed. The semester is ending soon and I will have about a month off so I will try to finish my novel and keep my blog updated.

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