Thursday, October 27, 2016

All for one Halloween special!

In celebration of Halloween I wanted to do three stories related to horror and Halloween (my favorite holiday.) I am not sure how many of these smaller book reviews I am going to do so just stay tuned, enjoy and Happy Halloween!

"Masque of the Red Death" by Edgar Allan Poe.
The overall content of this story involves a beautiful mansion with several large rooms in it, all of which are painted a different color to represent the stages of life. During the "Red Death" Prince Prospero gathered all this friends together and threw a party at his mansion for several months. Despite their best efforts to protect themselves from the "Red Death," it gets into the mansion anyway. This story is about life and the unavoidable event of death. The "Red Death" is described as tall and gaunt, wearing a bloody shroud and a mask. This story is a typical macabre tale that Poe is known for. With lots of symbolism included, this story has much to offer and is perfect for Halloween.

Frankenstein by Mary Shelly
Frankenstein by Mary Shelly is a well know classic novel with countless adaptations. Many know the story but not many know the book. The book begins with a series of letters recounting the narrators experiences with Victor Frankenstein. Dr. Victor Frankenstein attempts to create a creature out of used body parts, and one night he finally succeeds. He gets scared and leaves the creature behind. The creature is sad and alone, unsure of who he is but he eventually learns human speech. When the creature finds out about the man who created him, the creature starts to hate him. When he finds Frankenstein he insists he makes a female for him and he does, but he soon destroys her. I wont give anything else away because I highly encourage people to read it.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Luna-Book Review # 18

          Luna by Julie Anne Peters is one of those books that stays with you long after you read it. Luna is seen through the eyes of 16-year-old Regan O'Neil as she lives with her transgendered brother Liam. Liam goes by the name Luna by night, and can only be herself by the light of the moon.

          This book is powerful due to it's touchy subject matter and the fact that it's seen though the eyes of Liam's sister. It gives readers insight to how Liam's life has an impact on her whole family. Luna's struggles also effect her sister Regan as she tries to live the normal life of a 10th grader who is interesting in a boy. This book is definitely for a more open minded audience who can be sensitive to Liam and Regan's situation. I read this book in freshman year of high school and haven't forgotten it since. The topic is very controversial and unique for it's time. 

          If you are someone who is interesting in sexual disorders or transgender issues I recommend this powerful novel. I decide to read it again after all these years in order to see if their is anything else about it I can understand that I didn't pick up on before. Julie Anne Peters has written other fantastic novels that I would also recommend to anyone who is interested in gay/lesbian related books. 

Short Story?

I am considering turning an old school paper into a short story but I am not sure how to go about doing it. I normally like to write new short stories but this one, I feel, is too good to let go and not continue. This story is meaningful to me and uses sensory language to appeal to my readers personal memories. Below I included a short preview of it and will later decide if I wish to revise/continue it.

There are times much like these in which I find myself sitting in the living room alone, absent of sound, that I summon up enough courage to reminisce on an old friend. He was my best friend for six short but wonderful years; his presence in my life but was taken out far too quickly. I met him in the backyard of a mutual friend’s on June 12th 2005. I was only twelve-years-old. His name was Cody, and he was unlike anyone I have ever met. The first thing I notice about Cody that separated him from the rest was his strong British accent. He was young too, about fifteen. His innocent blue eyes showed no hidden lies or callous, he wasn’t yet jaded and he had this liveliness about him that I craved. The summer air was warm that night as we made awkward small talk with each other by the pool. The grass was prickly and itchy as I crushed it between my bare feet.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Apologies and update.

First and foremost I have to apologize for how few and far between my reviews are. I have been waiting until closer to Halloween before posing the special review I have had for a few weeks now. Also, the past 2 weeks have been really hectic for me because I have mid-terms and papers due at the same time. Hopefully by the end of the week things will calm down before getting crazy again. Two of the school clubs that I am in are having several events that I need to participate in which takes up a lot of my writing/reading time.

As far as my novel, Lost Prince of Waydale, goes I am so close to the end that I can taste it! Once I finish it I need to edit it before sending the manuscript to the appropriate place. Don't worry, it will still be coming out in November so I will update you on the pre-order option on Amazon. I will try to have one more book review before my Halloween special just because I need to have a more recent one. I am thinking of doing either a special one for banned books, or just review one specific banned book.

Overall, I hope everyone is enjoying their fall so far and I look forward to informing you about the completion of my book. Stay tuned for more reviews as well!