Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Potential next book review?

I know it has been a while since my last review and I am trying my hardest to keep up with my blog despite everything going on in my life right now. As I mentioned before I am getting ready to begin my final semester at my current two year college before transferring to a four year college to obtain my bachelors degree in English. I was accepted into three different good schools and in between working on my ten page paper for my nutrition class I have been tirelessly researching two of these schools. The first college is over an hour away and since I can't afford to live on campus I decided not to go there. The remaining two colleges are both very well known in my area and I am weighing the pros and cons of each. While doing all of these things I also have to concentrate on the school I am attending now considering it is my last year and I waited to take all the boring and annoying classes. 

I want to have more time to read books or even work on my own but sadly that hasn't happened. Since the only books I have been reading lately are textbooks, I have been trying to save some time to read a book to review. It seems I am leaning towards another Nancy Drew book. Not only is this because I love Nancy Drew I also received several books for free by my neighbor so I have plenty to read. Once I choose one I will be sure to review it and post it as soon as possible. I am hoping that things cool down a little but I am not sure how that is going to work out. Everyone send luck my way!

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