Thursday, November 26, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving

I hope everyone is having a fun and safe Thanksgiving! 
Spend the day with your families and eat until you can't eat anymore, I know I will!

Also, I am still in the middle or reading my Nancy Drew book of choice while studying for finals in December (can't believe I am graduating in 6 months.) I have been pretty busy but now that I am on vacation I should get some more reading done, I have also done some Holiday shopping for my family but have no idea what to get my boyfriend.

If anyone is going out black Friday shopping, stay safe and good luck!!

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Potential next book review?

I know it has been a while since my last review and I am trying my hardest to keep up with my blog despite everything going on in my life right now. As I mentioned before I am getting ready to begin my final semester at my current two year college before transferring to a four year college to obtain my bachelors degree in English. I was accepted into three different good schools and in between working on my ten page paper for my nutrition class I have been tirelessly researching two of these schools. The first college is over an hour away and since I can't afford to live on campus I decided not to go there. The remaining two colleges are both very well known in my area and I am weighing the pros and cons of each. While doing all of these things I also have to concentrate on the school I am attending now considering it is my last year and I waited to take all the boring and annoying classes. 

I want to have more time to read books or even work on my own but sadly that hasn't happened. Since the only books I have been reading lately are textbooks, I have been trying to save some time to read a book to review. It seems I am leaning towards another Nancy Drew book. Not only is this because I love Nancy Drew I also received several books for free by my neighbor so I have plenty to read. Once I choose one I will be sure to review it and post it as soon as possible. I am hoping that things cool down a little but I am not sure how that is going to work out. Everyone send luck my way!