Sunday, March 24, 2019

Teaching From Home?

So what's been happening in my life? Well, since graduating from Cedar Crest College I searched high and low for a job in the field of writing. Of course, not everything works out as planned. So, did I end up using my English degree? Absolutely! I might not have found a job in writing, but I am doing something I love just as much!

While looking for a suitable job online, I stumbled across a "Work from home" job I couldn't ignore! Working from home has been fantastic since I’m now expecting my first baby. I always wanted to be a stay at home mom, and now I can! And you can too!

What is this job? Is it legit? Well, the job description is simple, teaching English! And yes, it's very legit. I teach for two different Chinese companies teaching English to children. Company 1 is called Qkids English and it's amazing!

Interested in Qkids English? Here is a little info to help you decide if it’s right for you.

1. Must be from the US or Canada and a native English speaker.
2. Bachelors Degree or TESOL certification required.
3. Stable internet connection via Ethernet cable.
4. Can commit to being available 6 hours (12 classes) a week.
5. The application process is easy! Submit your application with a short video of yourself, schedule your interview, complete 2-5 trial classes, sign your contract! The contract is 6 months.

General information
1. You will be teaching Chinese students ages 5-12 using a user friendly and interactive platform designed by Qkids. The classes contain 1-4 students at a time. Each class is 30 minutes.

2. Base pay is $8 per 30 minutes ($16 an hour) with the ability to get a $1 performance bonus and $1 attendance bonus for each class taught. That’s $20 an hour! Working from home!

3. Hours are 6:40am-9:10am EST Monday through Sunday. Evening hours are 8:40pm-11:20pm EST Friday and Saturday.

4. Something suddenly came up? Cancel class penalty free up to 5 hours in advance.

5. It’s a complete work from home job perfect for moms, dads and college students!

Ready to sign up? Click this link and I’ll help you get started!

Here is my video application from almost a year ago!

To apply, just click the link below and put in your general information, education, a picture of your computer specs and a short 2 minute video. The video will include an intro where you discuss your experience and education, plus a fun reading of any children’s book!  PLEASE reach out to me via email or my Teacher Jess Facebook page so I can help you through the application, interview, and trial classes!