Friday, May 19, 2017

Deep and Dark and Dangerous-Book review #23

Deep and Dark and Dangerous by Mary Downing Hahn was such an amazing book! Hahn is a fantastic writer who uses strong imagery and similes that bring her story to life!

Thirteen-year-old Allison has been invited by her artist Aunt Dulcie to the families old cottage in Maine to babysit her five-year-old cousin Emma. Aly's mother doesn't want her to go because she believes Aly will hate it and the water is dangerous. Before her aunt comes to visit, Aly is digging through her grandmothers things and found an old picture of her mother and aunt at the lake with another girl who has been torn out of the photo. All she knows is the girls name starts with a T. When she asked her mother about it she claims to have no memory of any girl from the lake and shuts down completely. When Aly asks her aunt, she also claims they never met anyone up there with a name that began with a T.

Aly is able to convince her mother to let her go to the cottage, it is here she finds out about Teresa, a girl who drowned in the lake when her mother was young, her body was never found. Telling her these stories about Teresa is a 13-year-old girl they meet named Sissy. Ever since Emma met Sissy, she started acting mean, disrespectful, and angry. Sissy is also an angry little girl who seems to be one big mystery to Aly. Who is Sissy and what happened to Teresa? Find out by reading Mary Downing Hahn's, Deep and Dark and Dangerous. I promise you won't be disappointed!

She has many other books that are also fantastic,  I have read three of them so far and I am currently reading her Closed for the Season. If you like books that are easy to read, full of mystery, suspense, and ghosts, pick this book up NOW!