Thursday, January 16, 2014

Spring semester

Sorry I haven't posted in a very long time (as usual) but I have been working hard on my second semester in college and instead of doing online classes I am on campus all the time so I am hardly home. The work itself isn't difficult, it is the amount of work that I need to do.My birthday is coming up on Wednesday and I will be 22 and also, my boyfriend and I are having our 9 month anniversary the day before, so I have a lot of special things going on next week. 

I will hopefully be able to get my friends together so we can enjoy some drinks on my birthday since I never really had an "official" 21st birthday. Although, I do have school the next day and cannot expect myself to drink too much. I am enjoying my Intro to the Criminal Justice System class very much, and even my Sociology class a little.  I did previously get a new chinchilla named Chihiro, but unfortunately she did not get along with my others and she needed to go back, which is sad because I did love her. Also, I am working on my new book and I will be ordering more of my older two books in case anyone would like a copy please let me know by emailing me here at The plot of the new book will remain a secret for now but hopefully I should have the summery perfected by next week. My Math workload is sort of large so you must bare with me. Lola and Onyx are doing great, my boyfriend and I are going to celebrate our first official valentines day together in a month which will be very special. 

Oh, I know it is a little (a lot) late, but happy 2014 to everyone and I hope you all had a great Christmas!